Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where are we?

Where are we?

When all the long hours are paid-off,
Our sweats turn into tears of joy,
The anxiety becomes a breath of relief,
Dark days end and bright future begins.
All our wishes came true.

What is our deepest wish?
Being in the school we longing for?
The clean face that God originally gave us?
Love and happiness surrounds us?
Achieving the little kid's dream?

We think of the past.
The time when we never gave our best shot.
When we were innocent and wanting to be evil.
We felt bad with the amount given by parents.
Wishing the little kid dreamt a little smaller.

We think of the present.
The greatest gift.
We think of the past and future.
But never the present.
We regret of past's decisions.
We fear the uncertainty of the future.

We turn to a higher power.
We pray.
Night and day.
Giving it our all.
Hoping he will hear and grant our pray.
Giving it our all.
Because we are scared.
Scared to take the risk.
The leap of faith.
He hears. He always hears.

Time and patience, the future has arrived.
We are exactly where we are suppose to be.
"We did it, man!" he says.
We reached the destination.
What ever happens to the journey?
The crying, praying, and hoping.
The lessons. What happened?

Where are we?


  1. I think it's pretty obvious you didn't write that shit.
    Where are your references then, huh? This is plaigarism.

  2. Jon or Michelle? I can picture both of u guys saying this, but I have to go with Jon. :)

  3. btw, this is all me. I know, hard to believe. haha
